Sunday, May 23, 2021

Themed Crossword #6: What's Two Plus Two?

Getting weird with it today! Not sure whether to call this a 21x21, a 2x2x10x10, or something else entirely. Also not sure if it really counts as a meta, but if you want it to then that's fine by me! Won't say anything more to avoid spoilers. Thanks to Paolo for the test-solve!

I don't recommend the pdf unless you have perfect eyesight, but grab it here if you want; the puz file is here, and you can find the interactive client below. Happy solving!

Monday, May 3, 2021

Blocked Cryptic #12: Lost In Translation

Hi all! Back from another hiatus (sorry! motivation is a rarity these days - hope that everyone is holding up alright) to share some more cryptics. Today's is another mini one, but with some interesting symmetry and a extra-hard twist if you're feeling up to it. Taking one page out of Brooke's book for the setup, and another from Matthew's for the grid: I hope it leads to an interesting solve! Whichever version you solve, let me know how it plays out for you, and feel free to reach out with any feedback.

Lots of links so just gonna put them all up one by one below. Happy puzzling all!

Standard version:  pdf  puz  amuselabs solver

Extra-Hard version:  pdf  puz  amuselabs solver  text file with long entries

Themeless Crossword #2 (With Brooke Husic!!!!!)

Shanah Tovah all! Hoping to bring back the blog more consistently (aiming for every other Thursday for now!) in 5782. I think today's pu...