Thursday, July 30, 2020

Themed Crossword #1: There's Always Money...

Taking a quick break from cryptics to post a few standard puzzles from my 'archives' - random puzzles I've made over the years for friends or family. Sorry in advance: this one has a maybe sorta niche theme? If you don't get it, Google the title of the puzzle and it'll lead you to the source, a TV show that at times embodies the punniness of crosswording more than any other. Very much recommend it, especially since the episodes are short and by the second one you'll get the theme ;)

Anyways, onto the puzzle! In-browser version below, pdf file here, and last but not least, the puz file! Enjoy! Apologies for the admittedly subpar fill, this was a very early venture into puzzling for me, and there's not much exciting going on in the grid :\ Some fun clues hopefully though! As always, please inform me of errors, bad cluing, or anything you find generally unsavory.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Solutions to Blocked #1 and Barred #1-2

Far too long after posting, here are the solutions to the first three puzzles posted here! In the future, I'll be trying to get these up sooner, but hopefully they can provide some insight :) Also, thanks to all who have pointed out the numerous errors found in the first puzzles - for a mathematically inclined cruciverbalist, I'm embarrased to say that I often forget to count, spell, and the like. Will be more careful in the future, but I really appreciate the feedback, and am always happy to recieve it.

Onto the actual content... Solution to 'However You Slice It...' is here , and for 'Polar Opposites' here! Will be posting some standard American puzzles for a bit, but expect some more cryptics about midway through August.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Barred Cryptics #1 and #2: Polar Opposites

Hello all! Today's post has two cryptic crosswords for your enjoyment - ideal for cosolving in pairs! Since they're barred, I've yet to figure out an in-browser way to post them, but the PDF is avaliable here.

Apologies in advance to two groups of people: those unfamiliar with the (slang-y) words central to the theme of each crossword, and those who are familiar with them but stopped saying them months (years?) ago when they went out of style. With a little Googling from the first group, and some forgiveness from the second, I hope they can still be a fun diversion! As always, email or comment with any questions or feedback :)

Friday, July 17, 2020

Blocked Cryptic #1: However You Slice It...

Welcome, all, to my new crossword/puzzle blog! For the inaugural post, we've got a cryptic crossword with a fun hidden theme. Enjoy it either in your browser, in the Across Lite App, or on paper (!! very recommended if possible, the theme relies on something that's much harder to see online) with the array of attachments below. Please leave any feedback you think might be helpful - I'm new at this and would love to hear your thoughts. With all that out of the way, here are the instructions, and the puzzle itself!

Instructions: Remove a word from 7 Across clues before solving - these words will read out, in clue order, a cryptic clue, with enumeration (2 2 4?), to a question you might have while solving. Similarly, 6 words from Down clues must be removed before solving, which will form an instruction. Upon following it, an answer (2'1 4!) should become apparent, as well as some additional details (6, 5, 4 2, 6, 5).

And for those who'd prefer another format: the puz and pdf files, as promised! Solution and commentary to be posted within the week. EDIT 7/18: Changed a factually incorrect clue and made a minor edit to the instructions. Thanks to Kevan for pointing these out to me!

ROT-13 Spoilers with an important note: @sylvatryringbe orng zr gb gur gurzr, cbfgvat uvf zvav WHFG nf v jnf svavfuvat guvf hc. fgvyy jnagrq gb funer fbzrguvat gung pna ubcrshyyl fgvyy fhecevfr/rkpvgr!

Themeless Crossword #2 (With Brooke Husic!!!!!)

Shanah Tovah all! Hoping to bring back the blog more consistently (aiming for every other Thursday for now!) in 5782. I think today's pu...